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Paul Curran

Paul is an entrepreneur and marketer for the pet industry who works out of Chicago. He teaches people how to break free of the 9-to-5 grind by blogging for a living. Currently, Paul runs the 99PetCare along with the team of dedicated experts – so you know he has the knowledge to help you make the right choice.

Vegetables For Dogs: Healthy Vegetables For Pets

Both fruits and vegetables for dogs make a perfect snack or a healthy addition to their meal course. Vegetables are the best sources of vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy living. This fact applies not only to humans but to dogs also. Does it look like your pet is always hungry, and […]

Best Dog Food for Cocker Spaniels: Diet for Optimal Health

Best Dog Food for Cocker Spaniels: Diet for Optimal HealthCocker Spaniels are gorgeous, funny little dogs, but they’re also prone to tons of different health issues (more on that later). So it’s important that you do everything you can to keep your dog healthy. Just like anything other living creature, staying healthy starts with maintaining […]

Can Dogs Eat Pickles? (What No One Tells You)

​Can Dogs Eat Pickles? (What No One Tells You)Every dog owner has been there: that sickening moment that they realize their dog has eaten something that they probably shouldn’t have eaten. While this realization can be traumatic, it doesn’t have end horribly. One food that can set this reaction off is pickles. Are pickles safe […]

The 4 Best Durable Dog Toys

I’ve tried to demonstrate several times on this site that I’m a firm believer in spending a little extra money on quality products. To me it makes more sense to purchase something that’s going to last 10 years, rather than going cheap on something that’ll last a few months. I think dog toys are an […]

Best Dog Food for Yorkies: Don’t Malnourish Your Yorkie!

Best Dog Food for Yorkies: Don’t Malnourish Your Yorkie!Did you know the smallest dog ever was a Yorkie?Her name was Sylvia, and she was 3.5 inches long, 2.5 inches tall, and weighed a little over 100 grams. Can you imagine how itty-bitty her stomach was?That’s why feeding Yorkies can be tough. They often have different […]