3 Ways a Dog Can Improve Your Life

As any dog owner will tell you, having a canine friend of your own can greatly improve your life. The companionship of a dog provides many of the same emotional benefits that any traditional, human friendship would include. Man’s best friend is called so for a reason, after all.

But while any dog person can say he or she is happier with a dog, most have not stopped to think about all the specific ways in which life is improved by pet ownership. In addition to the obvious benefits such as companionship, there are many mental, physical and emotional advantages to being a dog owner.

Just having a dog can make one’s life better in many ways.

Whether you already own a dog and are interested in identifying how your pet makes your life better, you are considering pet ownership and weighing the pros and cons, or you are simply looking for a way to make your life better, below are just a few of the many ways that a furry friend can improve your human life.

  1. A Healthier Heart

Current dog owners may already be aware of how good a dog is for the heart, metaphorically speaking. A dog will fill your heart with love and joy from the first day you bring him home, but he can also provide more literal benefits to the physical condition of your heart as well.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), individuals who own pets tend to exhibit decreased blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and all of these are key risk factors for heart attacks. In addition, dog owners are more likely to have better recovery patterns after a heart attack. 

  1. Better Mental Health

No matter how bad of a day you may have had, coming home to your joyful, exuberant canine pal seems to brighten things. The unconditional love and unwavering affection of a dog will not only improve a bad day, but it can also help to reduce stress, decrease anxiety and improve one’s overall mental health.

Dog owners are less prone to depression, and the physical, emotional and mental benefits of dog ownership can help alleviate symptoms for those who do suffer from it. 

  1. An incentive to Get Out

In addition to the many personal benefits, dog ownership also comes with several responsibilities. Feeding your dog, training her, purchasing pet insurance and going to the vet are a few, but one such task provides advantages for both pet and person alike: daily walks. 

Owning a dog means getting up, getting out of the house, getting some fresh air and getting some exercise multiple times a day. Even this small amount of activity can help decrease blood pressure, reduce stress and provide all of the many other health benefits of regular exercise. Getting out and about can also improve your social life and make you more likely to get involved in other outdoor activities.

Whether it’s the unconditional companionship, the decrease in stress, the incentive for exercise, the improved heart health, or the countless other personal benefits that are too numerous for one list, owning a dog is a great way to improve your life. If you are considering rescuing or purchasing a dog, perhaps this list provided enough motivation to move forward. If you already own a pet, perhaps it has provided just a little something extra to help you appreciate your loyal furry friend even more.

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